From the Principal's desk

Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.

It is rightly said that “A dream becomes a goal when our action is taken towards its achievement”. With the same idea the school has witnessed unprecedented growth in the last four decades since its inception. The role of a school is diversified. It now works towards motivating and empowering its students to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers and productive members of an ever-changing global society.

Converting every individual into a self-reliant and independent citizen, the school provides an amalgam of scholastic and co-scholastic activities and it comes as no surprise to me that the school works tirelessly towards the creation of a wholesome personality challenged enough to brave the adversities and revel in the jubilations. With such ideology underway, our school website has been designed. We hope you find it quite user friendly and informative.

I am optimistic that the school will continue its legacy of producing the best minds possible with strict adherence to the rules and regulation the institution stands firm on. Hoping that the Kiranians will continue to bring laurels and traverse the journey of excellence with gratitude and humility.

The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder. Hence, keep wondering and contemplating!!

With best wishes

Ragini Rathore